Criteria of search: Person
Found 1189 results
Found 1189 results , total pages 40.
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Dates: 00/00/17..; - 00/00/186.; Birth place: Αθήνα
Dates: 01/01/1880 - 21/04/1961 Νame in other language: Kourilas, Eulogios [english] Alternative name: Κουρίλας - Λαυριώτης, Ευλόγιος | Κουρίλας, Ευλόγιος
Dates: 1955 - Νame in other language: Paraskevopoulou, Amalia [english] Alternative name: Αμαλία [Αποδιδόμενο όνομα]
Dates: 00/00/1786 - 00/00/1823 Birth place: Σούλι Θεσπρωτίας Νame in other language: Bótsaris, Márkos [english]
Dates: 31/05/1943 - Birth place: Θεσσαλονίκη
Dates: 09/02/1795 - 03/04/1863
Dates: 1920 - 2005 Νame in other language: Chatzēsōtēriu, Geōrgios D. [Other]
Dates: 1895 - 1985 Νame in other language: Enisleidēs, Chrēstos Michaēl‏ [english], Enisleidēs, Christos‏ [english] Alternative name: Στρατοκόπος, Χρήστος