Search in 1821 Kalivia Library
Found 3800 results (contain 178 manifestations and 14 digital items )
Found 3800 results (contain 178 manifestations and 14 digital items ) , total pages 127.
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Alternative name: Κιτς-Απόστολος [Κοινόχρηστο ψευδώνυμο]


Dates: 1937 - Birth place: Κερατέα Νame in other language: Romas, Chrístos G. [english]
Alternative name: Κριτσιδήμας, Γεώργιος Collection: Αρχείο Χρίστου Ν. Πέτρου - Μεσογείτη
Dates: 1937 - Birth place: Αμφίκλεια Νame in other language: Giōtas, Dēmētrēs Geōrg [english], Giōtas, Dimitris Georg [english]
Dates: 00/00/-385 [385 π. Χ.] - 00/00/-336 [336 π. Χ.] Νame in other language: Philip II of Macedon [english]
Dates: 01/01/1936 -
Dates: 1951 - Birth place: Αθήνα Νame in other language: Voutsis, Nikos [english], Butsēs, Nikos
Dates: 30/11/1767 - 13/05/1832